1. A narrow notch, groove, or opening, as a keyway in a machine, slit in a coin, or aperture in a body part. 2. A position, berth, or seat in an airplane or vehicle. 3. The space or time reserved for someone. 4. A vacancy or opportunity for employment, a meeting, or an event.

Slots are a universal casino favourite because they’re simple to play and don’t require any complex strategies. They’re also fast and easy, which makes them a popular choice for players on the go or those who want to try their luck without sitting down at a table.

Most online casinos offer a wide range of slots, and it’s important to know some of the main terminology used in them. This will help you understand bonuses, features, and gameplay better. Here are some of the most common terms:

Random Number Generator

The Random Number Generator (RNG) is a computer chip inside every slot machine that creates random sequences of numbers every millisecond. These sequences correspond to the positions of symbols on the reels and, if they match up in a winning combination as defined by the paytable, trigger a payout. The RNG is independent of other factors such as volatility and the fact that people are more likely to win at night.

It’s a myth that a slot machine that hasn’t paid out recently is “due.” However, there is no scientific evidence that machines are “due” to hit, and the UK Gambling Commission states that casinos may not manipulate their payouts to favour certain times of day.