What Is a Casino?


A casino is a facility for certain types of gambling. Some casinos are combined with hotels, resorts, restaurants, retail shops, and cruise ships. They may also host live entertainment events and serve food and drinks. The term can also be applied to an establishment that offers only one type of gambling, such as a bingo hall or card room.

A large part of the attraction of casino gambling is its social aspect, whether participants are seated around poker tables or craps pits or watching TVs showing the latest sporting event. Often, loud and colorful music accompanies the games, and gamblers shout encouragement to one another or cheer on their friends at the roulette wheel. Alcoholic drinks are readily available and often free. Food is served in cafeteria-style dining rooms or can be delivered to the table.

In addition to the glitz of Las Vegas, many other cities have casinos that compete for gambling dollars. In some cases, the rivalry is so fierce that casinos offer special perks to attract high rollers. These “comps” are free goods or services that a casino gives to its best customers, such as hotel rooms, meals, tickets to shows, and even limo service and airline tickets.

The word casino is believed to have come from the Italian “casa gioco,” meaning “little house.” In Europe, it refers to a small clubhouse for social games, such as baccarat, the principal gambling game in Monaco; blackjack in American casinos; and trente et quarante in French casinos.

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